Written by

Alla Zakarian

24-10-2019 | 18:46 Football

Glen Johnson reveals feeling stuck in the middle about Luis Suarez racism storm with Patrice Evra

Former Liverpool defender Glen Johnson has claimed that his former teammate Luis Suarez is not a racist as he repeated Jamie Carragher’s apology to Patrice Evra made earlier this week. Suarez was banned for 8 matches due to using racist language towards Evra in a Liverpool against Manchester United fixture in 2011. Liverpool came out and wore t-shirts to support Suarez for a match against Wigan after the incident. Johnson, lately, admitted he's in a 'sticky situation' given his friendship with Suarez, who now plays for Barcelona, although agreeing with Carragher. In an interview with talkSPORT, he said: “Carra was right to apologise and I'd have to agree with him; I think the timing of it was wrong as the ban was so close. But in the club's defence, they were just trying to support one of their players. I don't think anyone in that dressing room or at the club believed Luis was racist or capable of being racist. I know Luis really well and I get on well with him, so I find it very, very hard to believe that he would have done something like that. It's a very sticky situation for me; I'm stuck in the middle because Luis and I are good mates, and I wouldn't be friends with a racist. I wouldn't be. I'd be the first to turn my back on him and that's why it's awkward for me.”

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