Written by

Alla Zakarian

04-08-2020 | 12:22 Football

World Chess Champion Magnus Carles critics Roberto Firmino

Word Chess champion Magnus Carlsen has referred Roberto Fimino not scoring a huge amount of goals this season in comparison to his own performances. “It seems that in the last few matches, to use a football analogy, I am getting [Robert] Lewandowski level chances but I am converting them at Firmino level. For those who don’t watch football, that’s pretty bad,” he said. Explaining further, he said that statistically speaking, Firmino’s conversion rate was “one of the worst” among the best clubs in Europe, but he chose the Brazilian as a comparison because he felt it would be “so much funnier” to choose a Liverpool player. “Liverpool fans are quite trigger happy,” he said. “They don't like it when their players get insulted, so I just thought it would be funnier that way." Source: Liverpool ECHO

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