Written by

Alla Zakarian

07-05-2021 | 21:22 Football

UEFA deal with nine Super League clubs; rebels face sanctions

The European Super League has been officially dismissed. UEFA has confirmed that nine of the 12 breakaway teams have formally pulled out. Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus will have "appropriate action" taken against them as the only three teams remaining in the league. While the others, including six Premier League sides, are working with UEFA to create an "official declaration document about resigning". But punishment has been agreed for Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham. Each side will have five-per-cent of their revenue withheld for one season in the UEFA competition and each will donate 15m Euros to grassroots initiatives. UEFA President, Aleksander Čeferin said: “I said at the UEFA Congress two weeks ago that it takes a strong organisation to admit making a mistake especially in these days of trial by social media. These clubs have done just that. In accepting their commitments and willingness to repair the disruption they caused, UEFA wants to put this chapter behind it and move forward in a positive spirit. The measures announced are significant, but none of the financial penalties will be retained by UEFA. They will all be reinvested into youth and grassroots football in local communities across Europe, including the UK. These clubs recognised their mistakes quickly and have taken action to demonstrate their contrition and future commitment to European football. The same cannot be said for the clubs that remain involved in the so-called ‘Super League’ and UEFA will deal with those clubs subsequently.”
Source: UEFA / *Join us on Telegram!/ Follow us on Twitter!

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