Written by

Mane՛ Babayan

23-05-2020 | 22:59 Basketball

Steph Curry clarifies his controversial comments on moon

Earlier this week the Golden State Warriors' superstar Stephen Curry has made some controversial comments on moon, to which NASA has responded. He was a guest on the podcast "Winging It" with Vince Carter, Kent Bazemore and Annie Finberg. After Andre Iguodala referenced a meme that asked how do we know what kind of sounds dinosaurs made, Curry asked, "We ever been to the moon?" When two people (it sounded like Iguodala and Kent Bazemore) responded with, "Nope," Curry said, "They're gonna come get us, (but) I don't think so either ... sorry, I don't want to start a conspiracy." Finberg then asked, "You don't think so?" and Curry responded with "Unh-uh," as in "No." And then the following went viral: On Friday, Curry told Nick Friedell of ESPN that he will 'one thousand percent' accept the invite from NASA. "Obviously I was joking when I was talking on the podcast," Curry said. "I was silently protesting how stupid it was that people actually took that quote and made it law as, 'Oh my God, he's a fake-moon-landing truther,' whatever you want to call it, yada, yada, yada. So I was silently protesting that part about it, how the story took a life of its own. "But in terms of the reaction that I've gotten, I am definitely going to take [NASA] up on their offer. I am going to educate myself firsthand on everything that NASA has done and shine a light on their tremendous work over the years. And hopefully people understand that education is power, informing yourself is power. "For kids out there that hang on every word that we say, which is important, understand that you should not believe something just because somebody says it. You should do your homework and understand what you actually believe. But I'm going to go to NASA and I'm going to enjoy the experience wholeheartedly." Source- NBC Sports

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