Written by

Alla Zakarian

13-01-2020 | 18:49 Tennis

Roger Federer reacts to Greta Thunberg criticism

Roger Federer has issued a response to criticism from Greta Thunberg. The 20-times Grand Slam winner came under fire from the climate activist when she criticized the Swiss bank for its record of loans to fossil fuel industries. Federer was urged to "wake up" in a retweet by Thunberg last week, which also prompted the hashtag #RogerWakeUpNow to trend on Twitter. "I take the impacts and threat of climate change very seriously, particularly as my family and I arrive in Australia amidst devastation from the bushfires," Federer said in a statement issued to news agency Reuters. "I am grateful to young climate activists for pushing us all to examine our behaviours and act on innovative solutions," he continued. "We owe it to them and ourselves to listen. I appreciate reminders of my responsibility as a private individual, as an athlete and as an entrepreneur, and I'm committed to using this privileged position to dialogue on important issues with my sponsors." Source-DW

Greta Thunberg slams Roger Federer for endorsing Swiss bank which invests in fossil fuels

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