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25-10-2018 | 14:02 Football

Mesut Ozil responds to supporters’ questions on Twitter and names Arsenal best young player

Arsenal star Mesut Ozil has responded to supporters’ questions on his Twitter account. German national football team’s ex player has revealed some interesting points in his career and named Arsenal best young player.
  1. In your opinion who is the best young talent in the squad ?
https://twitter.com/MesutOzil1088/status/1055158670735089665 2. How does it make you feel to wear the captain’s armband for Arsenal https://twitter.com/MesutOzil1088/status/1055157053470240769 3. Who has the best hair? Alex, Matteo or Mo? https://twitter.com/MesutOzil1088/status/1055163930102976512 4. How much influence has Arsene Wenger had on your career as a footballer, both for Arsenal and previously for Germany? https://twitter.com/MesutOzil1088/status/1055166250333155329

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