Formula 1
Written by

Alla Zakarian

06-12-2018 | 13:50 Formula 1

Lewis Hamilton named Peta person of the year

Lewis Hamilton has been named the Peta person of the year for his promotion of a vegan diet. The Formula 1 driver has been singled out for praise by Peta – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – for his discussions of a plant-based diet in the international press and on social media. Hamilton said: “The cruelty is horrible and I don’t necessarily want to support that and I want to live a healthier life.” Peta founder Ingrid Newkirk said: “Lewis Hamilton has proved to be not only a fantastic driver but also a force for good and a powerful ally of animals used for food. Peta is honouring him for inspiring his legions of fans to follow his lead, jump-start their own energy levels, and spare animals’ lives by going vegan.”

The Greatest races by Lewis Hamilton (VIDEO)

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