Written by

Alla Zakarian

19-05-2020 | 13:20 Wrestling

Former WWE Superstar Shad Gaspard is missing after visiting newly reopened Venice Beach

Former WWE Superstar Shad Gaspard is missing. The 39-year-old was last seen at Marina Del Rey Beach in Venice Beach, his wife, Siliana Gaspard announced. "If you've seen him please call 911 or Dm family," she wrote on Instagram. The same message appeared on the wrestler's Instagram. One of the photos showed Gaspard in a swimsuit standing on a beach. According to some reports, Gaspard is lost at sea after getting caught in a riptide in California. The same report suggests that he directed rescuers to save his 10-year-old son first. Another report suggests, that the search for him has officially been called off. Source: CNN

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