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03-02-2019 | 17:47 Football

EXCLUSIVE: It’s about sport, not the name: Diana Langes-Swarovski, the woman, who takes little Tyrol club to Austrian Bundesliga

Photo/Diana Langes-Swarovski Instagram  Diana Langes-Swarovski is the great great-granddaughter of Daniel Swarovski, the founder of world-known crystal manufacturer. 47-year-old Diana is one of the most successful women in European football. Since becoming the President of small club Wattens from Tyrol, Austria, Diana has managed to show herself as a woman with fresh and creative ideas for football. Wattens was founded by Daniel Swarovski in 1930. For 12 years, little club has been performing in regional leagues, before Diana took over the Office of Club President in 2013. Since then, Wattens have managed to get a promotion to second Austrian league. In their first seasons, Tyrol club showed themselves as a strong team, and now they are fighting for promotion to Austrian Bundesliga, by leading in second league table.
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ENDE. GUT. Es ist der vorletzte Tag im Jahr 2018 - ein Jahr mit so vielen Höhen, Tiefen und Geschwindigkeiten wie es Jahreszeitenwechsel gab. Sorgen wurden abgelöst von Freudenmomenten, private Rückschläge von beruflichen Quantensprüngen. Ich sage „tschau und danke 2018 - werde gut und noch ein wenig besser 2019!“ ♥️ . . ALL. IS. WELL. 2018 is drawing to its close. It was a year with as many highs, lows, and speed corrections as there were season changes. Worries were superseded by moments of joy, private concerns by professional quantum leaps. Today I say: “bye bye and thanks 2018 - be good and maybe even better 2019!” ♥️ . . #newyearcancome

Публикация от Diana Langes (@dianalanges)

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