Written by

Karine Grigoryan

07-10-2019 | 20:17 Football

Paul Merson doubts Liverpool will go through Premier League season unbeaten

Liverpool recently celebrated a victory over Leicester City and extended their winning run in the Premier League as currently the Reds are leading the league table with maximum points. Although the Reds have kicked-off the Premier League with a perfect start, television pundit Paul Merson thinks that Liverpool have no chance of going through the 2019/20 season unbeaten. "Liverpool won't go unbeaten, not a chance," Paul Merson wrote for Sky Sports. "They weren't great the other day. When Leicester got to 1-1, they looked like the team that might nick it, even though Liverpool didn't deserve to lose. For 70-odd minutes they were the better team, but they just kept on going and you have to get some breaks every now and again. "No-one is going to look back on October 5 and remember the penalty, but that spot-kick could've been a massive, massive goal. "When you win league titles, everybody forgets about what happens in October and November. Everybody just thinks about what happened in April or May, but the penalty could be massive in the context of the title race." source Sky Sports 

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England, Premier League