
Andreas Pereira reveals the key change Manchester United need to make

Manchester United midfielder Andreas Pereira thinks Manchester United need to score more goals to succeed in their games. Though the Red Devils defeated Rochdale on Wednesday night with the help of penalties, Pereira urges to improve the push towards the opponents in order to have more goals. After the victory, he told MUTV: “We were comfortable on the ball, we were on the ball most of the time of the game. We couldn’t find really the pass-through and finish the chances off but we had a lot of shots and a lot of finishes. We were a bit unlucky in that. I think after we scored the first goal, we stopped. We have to push more and try to get the second goal and the third one. We woke up after the 1-1 and then got a lot of chances but we didn’t get the goal.”

What happened in the Manchester United tunnel after Rochdale tie


England, Premier League