Written by

Mane՛ Babayan

25-11-2021 | 13:21 Football

Emerson reacts to what Antonio Conte has done at Tottenham

Tottenham right-back Emerson Royal has reacted to Antonio Conte's new rules and diet plans. The 52-year-old was recently appointed as Spurs head coach and there have been a lot of changes at the club already. Conte has banned the consumption of fast food, ketchup, mayonnaise and even butter. He wants the food his players eat to act as fuel during the games, and that’s one rule he isn’t ready to compromise on. And Emerson, who likes his food, has admitted that it’s hard.The Brazilian full-back told Sky Sports:
“I do like ketchup! I’m used to not eating that sort of food so it’s not too much of a problem."
When asked if anything else bothers him, he said:
“Butter! The butter is gone. It’s true he has stressed the importance of our body fat and taking away some food.   “I’ve never seen anything like it before and at first it was a surprise and a little difficult but it’s so important for our performances. These details can make all the difference.”
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