Written by

Alla Zakarian

06-11-2018 | 16:39 Boxing

Conor McGregor has reacted to Floyd Mayweather's latest fight on Instagram

Floyd Mayweather announced on Monday that he will come out of retirement, yet again, to face kickboxer Tenshin Nasukawa in Japan on New Year’s Eve after moving to an undefeated 50-0 record with his lucrative win against Conor McGregor in August. Conor McGregor couldn’t resist and react to the announcement. “Is that a tracksuit or a sauna suit Floyd haha wtf. Is it hot in Tokyo or what’s the story here? That climate change is no joke f**k me haha," McGregor wrote. "What in the f**k is going on here? Who’s this little p***k next to you? That’s mad s**t. Like something out of rush hour 5 or something. Chris Tucker and Jackie f**king Chan back in this b*tch. F**king brilliant. "Mad little b*****d you are Floyd. Fair f**ks to you mate. No lie. F**k it."  

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