Written by

Alla Zakarian

05-11-2019 | 14:31 Football

“We were arrogant to think we could come up with a better system” Gary Neville gives his verdict on VAR

Gary Neville believes Premier League should continue to use VAR (Video Assistant Referee) although there were controversial incidents last weekend. Liverpool forward Roberto Firmino’s goal was ruled out due to VAR as his armpit was deemed offside, and a few times VAR was used during Tottenham against Everton clash. However, Gary Neville claims Premier League should carry on using VAR, but should learn from other leagues that have used it. He took to Twitter to express his thoughts on that: “Whilst I never agreed with the "Clear and Obvious Error Bar" or "Refs won’t go to the Monitor". I actually think the main problem has been the refs not sticking to their approach. They were frustratingly consistent in the way they were applying the system for 2 months.” “They moved the bar on clear and obvious and it has unnerved them! We should keep VAR but use it like the other competitions that have experimented with it. We were arrogant to think we could come up with a better system. The VAR ref says to the on-field ref go and have a look.”

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England, Premier League